Blueprint Healing

Blueprint Healing is a powerful energetic technique used by Celia. Sessions can be facilitated via a Phone or Skype call or within a clinical setting. This therapy has the ability to change behaviour, phobias and unwanted reactions, often with one session. It is usually combined with a unique Wholistic Lifestyle Consultation involving clairvoyant abilities, spiritual understandings, traditional counselling techniques and guided mind journeys similar to hypnosis.
Complete life transformation is a common experience for those clients who have worked with Celia over a period of years. (case histories link )


Blueprint has been highly effective for:-

Relationship difficulties with partners, family or professional liaisons.
Business decisions and interactions
Property Purchases
Career Goals and Objectives
Lack of focus, memory breakdown and diminished work potential.
Excessive emotional responses and behaviour
Repetitive destructive life choices and attitudes.
Physical sickness and disease.
Sudden and alarming changes in behaviour
Low self esteem/self worth/self doubt.
Grief, loss, and guilt.
Miscarriage and abortions
Depression and nervous breakdowns.
Sexual and physical abuse.
Mental health difficulties and multiple personalities

Phone & Skype Consultations Available

Book via Ph +61419551521


$3.00 a minute with additional time factored in for distant energetic healing if required.